Thursday, July 15, 2010


It's amazing how far the web has come. I remember it just like yesterday being amazed just looking at animated gifs on And I remember my first glimpse of web video - buddy holly by weezer. Though, it took forever to just see a few seconds of it. haha. CSS3 is crazy! With all the advancement with HTML5 and CSS3 the web is going to look so much better. HTML5 samples can be viewed on Apples web site, though beware, it can only be viewed in safari. Can't wait for the other browsers to catch up... uh hum, Firefox. Catch up already!

I think so far, my favorite CSS3 examples would have to be the Shadow box. Adding slight shadows to images hasn't been so easy. I love this effect. Also, the reflections you can make with webkit is pretty great too. The video tag is great too, but again, you gotta beware that the video tag can only be viewed in safari so far. So other browsers, Catch up!

Does this mean Flash will go away? That is the question that surrounds everyone. In my opinion, I don't see it going anywhere. People like the interactivity that flash brings. I don't see html5 doing certain animations that you can get with flash. Perhaps, by the time html6 comes, flash with disappear. We will see...

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