Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Surf Expo 2010: On Their Blog...

I came across their blog today to see an image of the 6th Annual Reef Sweetwater Pro Am. What's great is to see an image with the logo you made blown up and plastered everywhere! Especially when you just come across it...

Here is Blog link.

Friday, July 16, 2010

HTML5 and Canvas: Interactive Polaroid

I came across this pretty awesome interactive polaroid gallery. Check it out. HTML5 is gonna be Awesome! Great job Addy Osmani!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


It's amazing how far the web has come. I remember it just like yesterday being amazed just looking at animated gifs on disney.com. And I remember my first glimpse of web video - buddy holly by weezer. Though, it took forever to just see a few seconds of it. haha. CSS3 is crazy! With all the advancement with HTML5 and CSS3 the web is going to look so much better. HTML5 samples can be viewed on Apples web site, though beware, it can only be viewed in safari. Can't wait for the other browsers to catch up... uh hum, Firefox. Catch up already!

I think so far, my favorite CSS3 examples would have to be the Shadow box. Adding slight shadows to images hasn't been so easy. I love this effect. Also, the reflections you can make with webkit is pretty great too. The video tag is great too, but again, you gotta beware that the video tag can only be viewed in safari so far. So other browsers, Catch up!

Does this mean Flash will go away? That is the question that surrounds everyone. In my opinion, I don't see it going anywhere. People like the interactivity that flash brings. I don't see html5 doing certain animations that you can get with flash. Perhaps, by the time html6 comes, flash with disappear. We will see...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Independence Jam 2010

The latest FM 94.9 San Diego Independence Jam 2010 has launched and is getting great feedback. Always love doing the complete campaign for the radio station. It's always exciting when we have free range to design the show from the ground up. Looks like a great show as well. Check out IndependenceJam.com for the show info, and what Boelter Design Co. has done lately!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Coding Quiksilver

I've been getting a great opportunity to freelance for Quiksilver. Though, I wish I was designing more, this is an awesome chance to show off my flash work. I got to code their 2010 Waterman Collection. It came out really nice. I also have another that I worked on and finished last week... Just waiting for them to post onto their site, but I will let ya all know what it is when it is released.

Check out the latest work for Quiksilver here.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lexia & Days of Doodles.

Just got Lexia. Beautiful font. Reminds me of old advertising, bold letter magazine fonts. Hefty price but worth it. Buy it from FontShop.com... Never steal art!

Also, I started a new thing for myself to get the mind rolling in other disciplines. I started something called 365 days of doodles. I am gonna try to doodle something every day, even if it is really small and simple. I know I probably won't hit everyday. Sometimes you just don't have a pen and paper, but regardless... I'm gonna try.

I'm gonna post all the doodles on my flickr account, so look for them there. They will also pop up on my website under flickr.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Next on the list...ITC Lubalin

I saw this font today and have seen it many times. I love the slab serif... yum.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tomlinson | Forever a Charger.

We will miss you LT. It's so sad to see you released from the Chargers. I will still wear your old jersey and new. It could be cool to see you reunite with Drew Brees. Just don't go to the Broncos or raiders... bleh.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Latest Work: Hurricane Fence Company Website

Hurricane Fence Company in Los Angeles.

I was asked to redesign a current site built by AT&T yellowpages that charge over $350 a month. This is what they produced... BestFenceInTheWest.com The site pictured to the left is my redesign HurricaneFenceSanFernando.com and the new site for Hurricane Fence. I would say they were happy I saved them some money and they love the fresh new look. Included: Java, Mootools, SEO, Redesign and coding.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reccomended for Who???

Alright... I know this isn't art or anything, but seriously??? I think I may need to change a few things I've been listening to if they recommend this.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Metroscript Love.

Font Love on Valentines Day. I love this Metroscript font from Veer.com. It has a nice retro feel to the script. Normally, I'm not a huge fan of a lot of script fonts, but this font has a nice flow to the script. It has a lot of tails and characters to play around with for some interesting design. Big two thumbs up to the designer or foundry that made this font.

Monday, February 8, 2010

New Font: Avame

I love typography. I also love creating new fonts. Here is my latest font I designed. It's called AVAME.

Free Font Download Avame here.